Meet the Nephilim! Character Art Reveal!

I am so excited to finally be able to share some of the amazing artwork by my good friend Phil Thomas, the artist for the series! There’s more than one world full of characters, and I can’t wait for you to meet them all. But for now, we will start with an introduction to ourContinue reading “Meet the Nephilim! Character Art Reveal!”

The Road to Success: How to procrastinate your way to a self published novel.

We’ve all been there. You’re in the zone, writing away, annihilating your word count goals… then it hits. Writer’s block, brain freeze, the funk. There are hundreds of articles on how to try and fight your way out of this hell hole. The sad truth is, it’s different for everyone. You can try em all, and there’s a chance, a horrifying chance, none of them will work…

The Love Letter Project ðŸ’Œ

Don’t let your loved ones go another stressful day without knowing what you love, respect, and admire about them. Your encouragement could shift their whole perspective!

4 Steps to Creating a Schedule that Works

Do more of what you love, and be more productive by following a few simple steps to make the most out of your routine.