Conspire Con 2023

Authors, I have a few questions for you. If you were the CEO of a book corporation, would you deserve to be fired? Would you hire you? What would your yearly review look like? What feedback would you get on what you could do better in the year ahead? Over the last few years, I’veContinue reading “Conspire Con 2023”

Promoting Your Book for Launch

There’s a lot that goes into having a successful book launch. You want to have an audience that is waiting and eager to buy your book. That means you need to build an audience. How do you do that?

All things Transgression: Past, Present, and Future. The Self Publishing Journey: On the road to the Kingdom Come Series.

An update on all things Transgression, past, present, and future. The self publishing journey on the road to the Kingdom Come Series.

The Road to Success: How to procrastinate your way to a self published novel.

We’ve all been there. You’re in the zone, writing away, annihilating your word count goals… then it hits. Writer’s block, brain freeze, the funk. There are hundreds of articles on how to try and fight your way out of this hell hole. The sad truth is, it’s different for everyone. You can try em all, and there’s a chance, a horrifying chance, none of them will work…